Evaluation of efficacy of new spectroscopic biomarkers for the detection of early-stage pancreatic cancer.
The BRESCA registry will obtain retrospective and prospective data of patients diagnosed with advanced breast cancer treated with targeted therapy. This clinical data source will reflect the real clinical practice of oncological therapy in the Czech Republic.
The aim of the project is to collect and evaluate data from real clinical practice, which are related to the administration of CAR-T cell therapy in patients with certain hematological malignancies who face poor prognosis. CAR-T cell therapy is currently indicated in adult patients with certain types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, incl. aggressive, relapsing or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, primary mediastinal B-lymphoma, high-grade B-lymphoma, transformed follicular lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma; and in pediatric patients and patients under 25 years of age with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) who do not respond to a defined number of standard therapy lines.
System of informational support for the Cervical Cancer Screening Programme in the Czech Republic.
Clinical registry of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL).
Clinical registry monitoring cases of bladder cancers treated with cystectomy and consecutive treatment.
The D-side project is a research initiative of the Plastic Surgery Clinic at St. Anny and collaborates on the project with the Institute of Biostatistics and Analysis, s.r.o. Specifically, it involves the collection of clinical data of patients regarding their decision (not) to undergo preventive removal of the mammary gland.
Clinical registry of patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL).
Clinical registry of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML).
Clinical registry of haemato-oncological patients in which antimycotic therapy has been administered.
The HCC-VP.COM project presents a series of case studies of virtual patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The interactive educational content was created for the purpose of the lifelong learning of physicians, above all in the field of oncology, and aims to develop competencies in clinical reasoning. This international project expands the range of on-line learning activities, especially for young doctors, to include gamification elements in the lifelong learning process.
Clinical registry of patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML).
Registry of EGFR mutation testing results in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in the Czech Republic.
System of informational support for the Colorectal Cancer Screening Programme in the Czech Republic.
Virtual patients, serious and serious games represent learning objects that are increasingly used in the lifelong education of doctors and other health professionals. The Leukemik.cz project presents a series of virtual patients - interactive case studies that allow you to go through diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a positive Philadelphia chromosome (Ph+ ALL). Although the greatest application is expected mainly among hemato-oncologists, this educational IT platform can become an interesting source of information for specialists in other medical fields as well.
System of informational support for the Breast Cancer Screening Programme in the Czech Republic.
The MELANOM registry is a time-limited non-interventional post-authorization data collection on patients with melanoma. The project aims to monitor patients with modern expensive treatment of advanced disease and also monitoring of patients with adjuvant treatment. Data collection started in December 2020. The duration of the study is planned for 5 years (until the end of 2025).
Clinical registry of patients with myeloproliferative disorders.
Český registr neuroendokrinních nádorů.
The RCC-VP.COM project presents a series of case studies of virtual patients with renal cell carcinoma. The interactive educational content was created for the purpose of lifelong learning of physicians, especially in the fields of oncology and urology, and aims to develop competencies in clinical reasoning.
The RENIS II project is intended to cover the monitoring of patients with renal cell carcinoma (RCC).