Directory of registries

Terminated cross-sectional registry of patients with acute coronary syndromes in the Czech Republic.

start of the project: 10/2015

end of the project: 11/2015

The project picked up the threads of cross-sectional registries of patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS) that had been performed in 2005 and 2012. The main results of these registries were published in the International Journal of Cardiology [1, 2] and further subanalyses were published in Cor et Vasa [3–5]. All patients hospitalised from 1/10/2015 to 30/11/2015 for ACS were recorded in the registry.

Objectives of the project were:

  • to assess the current epidemiological situation regarding ACS in the Czech Republic,
  • to assess the current strategies of ACS treatment, especially focusing on patients admitted for ACS with a continuing ischaemia,
  • to assess the hospital mortality and 30-day mortality, the occurrence of main adverse cardiovascular events and severe bleeding,
  • to analyse the current pharmacotherapy with antiplatelet drugs, including the duration of treatment and changes during the follow-up period.

Other important information:

  • Expert guarantor: Prof. Petr Widimský, MD, PhD (Czech Society of Cardiology)
  • Funding: AstraZeneca Czech Republic, Ltd.
  • Partners: 10 cardiac centres (PCI centres) and dozens of cooperating regional hospitals (non-PCI centres) across the Czech Republic
  • Brief overview of results: Project results were summarised in a research report entitled CZECH-3 – a registry of acute coronary syndromes.


  1. Widimsky P, Zelizko M, Jansky P, et al. The incidence, treatment strategies and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes in the "reperfusion network" of different hospital types in the Czech Republic: results of the Czech evaluation of acute coronary syndromes in hospitalized patients (CZECH) registry.International Journal of Cardiology 2007; 119(2): 212-219. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2007.02.036.
  2. Tousek P, Tousek F, Horak D, et al. The incidence and outcomes of acute coronary syndromes in a central European country: results of the CZECH-2 registry. International Journal of Cardiology 2014; 173(2): 204-208. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2014.02.013.
  3. Tousek P, Horak D, Tousek F, et al. Trends in epidemiology and the treatment of acute coronary syndromes in the Czech Republic: Comparison of the CZECH-1 and CZECH-2 registries. Cor et Vasa 2014; 56(4): e285–e290. doi: 10.1016/j.crvasa.2014.06.006.
  4. Roblova L, Tousek F, Tousek P, et al. Outcomes of patients hospitalized for suspected acute coronary syndrome, in whom the diagnosis was not confirmed: Results from the CZECH-1 and CZECH-2 registries. Cor et Vasa 2015; 57(1): e1–e5. doi: 10.1016/j.crvasa.2014.11.002.
  5. Widimsky P, Rokyta R, Stasek J, et al. Acute coronary syndromes with ongoing myocardial ischemia (ACS with OMI) versus acute coronary syndromes without ongoing ischemia (ACS without OMI): The new classification of acute coronary syndromes should replace old classification based on ST segment elevation presence or absence—Expert consensus statement of the Czech Society of Cardiology. Cor et Vasa 2013; 55(3): e225–e227. doi: 10.1016/j.crvasa.2013.04.008.